OK, so I know I am a total noob when it comes to pin curling, but The Unveiling (as I have come to call it in my mind) actually got me out of bed before 9 AM on a Sunday. I sprang forth, like it was Christmas morning, scampered to the bathroom...well ok, dragged my de-caffeinated butt to the bathroom mirror and was frightened to behold ...
Yeah, so wind out of my sales, time to make some coffee. This good lady must be thoroughly caffeinated, or the world is just not right, yes? Ten minute cappucino making ritual complete (grind beans, load, tamp, seals, free milk steam facial, you know, the regs) and I find myself in the living room instead of the dreaded mirror. Chicken.
So, eventually finding my way to the mirror and unclipping my pincurls. Some of them stayed wound cleanly like snail shells against my head until I pulled them gently to finger-comb my hair. And then, Foof! It's really fluffy, and now I don't know what to do with it. Argh.
Many mixed messages. My sister's, "Don't brush it!" but one blogger I had read said it needs to be brushed. I finger picked, then combed with broad tooth, and then I brushed it. I used Garnier's frizz ease to take the fried looking frizz down to a manageable level.
I don't know about this pin curl stuff. I think I'll do more shoe shopping and work on my caffeine level before I tackle it further. Christmas was a disappointment...